How To Open An Account

1. Walk-in to Phillip Asset Management Headquarter at 22nd floor, Vorawat Building (Silom road)

Prepare the following documents:

  • - Copy of Identification Card
  • - Copy of bank passbook for receiving redemption proceeds of one of the seven banks below;
    1. Kasikorn Bank
    2. Siam Commercial Bank
    3. Krungsri Bank
    4. Thanachart Bank
    5. Bangkok Bank
    6. Kiatnakhin Bank
    7. Krungthai Bank
  • - Copy of house registration

How to Change Your Account Information

Case 1: Changing Name/Surname/Title

Attach: 1. Copy of ID card 2. Proof of name change from district office 3. Copy of the updated passbook

Case 2: Changing Bank Account for Receiving Redemption Proceeds

Attach: 1. Copy of ID card 2. Copy of new passbook

Case 3: Changing Current Address

Attach: 1. Copy of ID card

Case 4: Changing Address for House Registration

Attach: 1. Copy of ID card 2. New house registration

22nd Fl., Unit 2201, Vorawat Building, 849 Silom Road,Silom, Bangrak,
Bangkok 10500 Thailand

Open an Account for a Legal Entity


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